What is Spherical Quartz SiO2 Powder?

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Introduction to Spherical Quartz siO2 Powder Spherical powder of quartz Also called: Spherical silicon powder Amorphous quartz is an amorphous powder made of quartz. The main ingredient, silica, has individual particles that are round. It’s a white powder with uniform size particles, excellent transparency, chemical and thermal stability, safety, insoluble in water, and insoluble.
Quartz powder in spheres This is the main use of it for large-scale integrated Circuit Packaging packaging. It’s also useful in the high-tech industries of aerospace, fine chemicals and everyday cosmetics.

The Physicochemical Characteristics of Spherical Quartz SiO2 Pulver
Quartz powder in spheres It offers the benefits of having a flat surface and a high specific area.
First, the powder can be mixed with resin easily to create a smooth film. It is easy to add resin, but the quantity of quartz powder used in the mixture is quite large. A mass fraction of up to 90% can be achieved. A higher filling quantity of quartz powder will result in a lower thermal conductivity. Additionally, the thermo expansion coefficient of the plastic sealing materials is smaller. This affects the effectiveness of electronic components.
Spherical powder has a stress level of 60% less than angular, while the stress concentration in plastic sealed material made with spherical Quartz powder is the lowest. The strength of the plastic sealing material is also the highest. The integrated circuit chips are protected with plastic packaging material made of spherical quartz powder. This makes it difficult for mechanical damage to occur during transport, installation, or use.
A third advantage is the smooth surface of the spherical dust, which has low friction and wear. The mold’s service life is also extended.
Spherical Quartz SiO2 Powder Properties
Additional Names fused quartz, spherical quartz, spherical SiO2, silica
No. 7631-86-9
Formula compound SiO2
Molecular Weight 60.09
Appearance white powder
Melting Point 1,600deg C (2,912deg F)
Boiling Point 2,230deg C (4,046deg F)
Density 2533kg/m3
Solubility in water Unsolvable
Get the exact Mass 59.9668
Spherical siO2

Spherical Quartz SiO2 Pulverization Methods
Flame melting method and plasma heating furnace methods are the most common preparations for sphere quartz powder.
1. Flame melting method Ball formation is achieved by using a high-temperature torch gun that emits 1600-2000 heat. Once the powder is in the flame zone, the powder’s angular surface absorbs heat. Heat is further transferred into the powder and the particles become molten. Surface tension causes the object to always move to the stable condition, while the spherical form is the best, in order to fulfill the product’s purpose.
2. Plasma heating furnace method Hot plasma can also be called local thermodynamic equilibrium plasma. The plasma’s temperature is almost identical to that of hot plasma. The thermal plasma category includes arc plasma, highfrequency plasma, induction plasma, and high-frequency plasma.
High-frequency plasma melting is used to make spherical powder of quartz. It uses a moderate temperature range, stability control, high yield, and can attain a higher rate of spheroidization. Similar to the flame melting process, its principle and processes are the same. However, the plasma generator replaces the heat source at high temperatures.
3. Chemical Synthesis To make silica sulfide emulsion, heat treat the silica sol with ammonia or bicarbose at a specific temperature. The gel is then treated with acid to obtain hydrated silica spherical. This product is low in uranium, and it is very easy to agglomerate.
4. Hydrolysis is a method You will add the SiCl4 liquid to deionized water and mix it at constant speed. At the same time, the hydrolysate will be stirred with a quartz rod. After washing, aging and filtering the hydrolysate, it is dehydrated to an even weight using a temperature control box between 100 and 200. It then goes to high-temperature furnace for sintering. You can get high-temperature, crystal shape and dehydroxylation to obtain highly pure spherical quartz particles with the desired size.

Spherical Quartz SiO2 Pulverized for Applications
The quartz powder has a high level of dielectricity, heat resistance, moisture resistance and corrosion resistance. It is also highly fillable and low in cost.
Spherical quartz powder is also widely available in electronics ink, optical fibre, high quality precision ceramic manufacturing and other optical devices. It can also be used as special paint coat fillers.

Major Supplier of Powdered Spherical Quartz SiO2
Lempotee advanced materials Nano Technology Co. Ltd. (Lempotee), is a trusted supplier and manufacturer of chemicals and Nanomaterials. They have over 12-years experience in manufacturing high-quality chemical products.
High-quality products are what you want Powdered SiO2 from spherical Quartz Please feel free and contact us to send an enquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

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