What is Nano Silver?

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What is Nano Silver? Nano Silver is a pure substance made of metallic gold, with particles that are only a nanometer in size. A nano-silver particle has a size of approximately 25 nanometers. This has an inhibitory effect and kills dozens of pathogenic microorganisms including Neisseria and Escherichia, as well as Chlamydia. The antibacterial and deodorant properties of cotton socks made from nanosilver or combed coton fibers is excellent.
What characteristics is nanosilver?
Due to their excellent electrical conductivity, the nano-silver particle is a key player in the microelectronics field. Because of its quantum-size effect and surface effect, nano-silver particle have some unique applications such as medical and Raman-enhanced applications.
Study after study has found that smaller particles of silver nanoparticles have stronger sterilization properties.
Nanosilver particles have many applications
It is antibacterial and can be used in all aspects of life. You can use it in products for babies, tableware and milk bottles. Nanchang nanosilver antibacterial tableware and Bier milk bottles (Bier silver Ion PES puzzling milk bottle, Bier nanosilver PES milk bottle), all have nano-silver ingredients. The safe material of nanosilver can be used widely by the public.
The dangers of nanosilver
Seoul, Yonhap News Agency. 13 August. The results of an experiment showed that large quantities of silver nanoparticles could cause damage to the liver. Nanosilver has been used for years in many products, including baby bottles and toothbrushes.
Nano Silver Supplier
Lempotee is also known as. Lempotee (aka. Our company currently has a variety of products. These materials are called The Nano Silver The company’s products are high in purity and have a small particle size. To find out the current Nano Silver price, please send us an email.

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