What is Hafnium Diboride HfB2 Powder Used For?

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Introduction to Hafnium Diboride HafB2 powder Hafnium diboride Or HfB2, is a grey-black metallic Luster Crystal. Its crystal structure is a hexagonal one.

Hafnium Diboride Powder HfB2 has Physicochemical Characters
Excellent! High-temperature Ceramic Material HfB2’s melting point is 3380. The HfB2 has high purity and small particle sizes. All chemical reagents other than HF react almost fully at room temperature with hafnium dioxide.
Hafnium Diboride HfB2 Powder Properties
Additional Names hafnium boride, HfB2 powder
CAS No. 12007-23-7
Formula compound HfB2
Molecular Weight 200.112
Appearance black powder
Melting Point 3250 degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 10.5g/cm3
Solubility in water N/A
Get the exact Mass 201.965161
Hafnium Diboride HfB2 Powder CAS 12007-23-7

Hafnium Diboride Powder HfB2 is an application
Hafnium diboride features high hardness and modulus as well as high thermal conductivity. It also has high electrical conductivity. High-temperature ceramics and high-speed airplane nose cones are the main uses of hafnium diboride. It can be used to make high-temperature ceramics.

What is Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs)?
Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics (UHTC), These materials are part of the refractory class that exhibits excellent resistance to temperatures above 2000°C. They have been investigated for their potential as materials for thermal protection (TPS), materials for bulk material heating elements, or coatings for materials that can withstand high temperatures.
In the 1960s, the aerospace industry was looking for high-temperature materials. The AIR Force Materials Laboratory began funding the research and development of a new material to withstand hypersonic aircraft like the Boeing X-. The fire resistance of binary ceramics was studied in detail. They found that the early transitional metals of Borides, Carides, and Nitrides had remarkable thermal conductivity and resistance to oxidation. ZrB2 & HfB2 are the most effective composites that contain about 20% SiC.
UHTC, broadly speaking, is an oxide, boride and carbide of early transition metals. Hafnium Diboride (HfB2), zirconium DIboride (ZrB2) are the current focus of research. The TPS application of UHTC is also being explored by hafnium (HfN), zinc nitride, (ZrN), titanium (TiC), and titanium nitride(TiN), as well as thorium (ThO2), Tantalum (TaC), and other related composites.
They have a higher thermal conductivity and lower melting points than carbides, nitrides and nitrides. These properties make them suitable for thermal shock resistance.

Hafnium Diboride HfB2 Powder Price
Price of Hafnium Diboride HfB2 Powder is affected by many factors, including market demand, trends in the industry, and unexpected events.
Are you looking for the? The latest price of HfB2 powder You can email us to request a quote. (brad@ihpa.net)

Hafnium Diboride HfB2 Powder Supplier
Lempotee advanced materials Nano Technology Co. Ltd. (Lempotee), is a trusted supplier of chemicals and manufacturers with more than 12 years’ experience in manufacturing high-quality chemical products. This includes silicon powders, graphite powders, zinc sulfuride, calcium nutride, and 3D printing powders.
High-quality products are what you want hafnium diboride HfB2 powder Please feel free and contact us to send an enquiry. (brad@ihpa.net)

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