Main Application Areas of Silica Powder

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What does silica powder mean?

Silica powder is made up of fused silica or natural quartz. It is made from raw materials such as quartz ore, fused silica, etc. and then processed through multiple processes, including precision classification, grinding, impurity extraction, and precision grinding. Products on the most popular market are fused silica powder and crystal silicon. The micropowders and the spherical-silica micropowder are examples.

Silica powder has mainly two main applications

Crystalline silica powder can be used for copper clad laminations in refrigerators and air conditioners. fused silica is used primarily for copper clad laminations in smartphones, tablets computers, washers and dryers. The spherical silica powder, which is used in epoxy plastic molding, has outstanding characteristics, such as high flow, low stress and a small surface area. Spherical silica powder has a higher fill rate than angular, which is able to reduce copper clad laminations and epoxy molding compounds. It is used primarily in high-end copper-clad laminates, such as aerospace and 5G communication, as well as epoxy packaging materials for large-scale integrated Circuit packaging, such as smart phones or wearable devices.

Copper Clad Laminate – Application of silica powder

You can improve heat resistance and reliability by including performance fillers in copper clad laminating. Silica powder, which is used extensively in the manufacture of copper clad laminating products, has numerous advantages such as heat resistance and dielectric properties.

Epoxy Molding Compound: Use of silica powder

A molding compound that is composed of epoxy resin (as matrix resin), high-performancephenolic resin (a curing agent), and silicon powder as filler. This material can be used to encapsulate chips in electronic devices. Filling rates account for between 60-90 percent of the epoxy mold compound mixture.

Lempotee Advanced Material Tech Co., Ltd. is a leading supplier of silica powder with more than 12 years’ experience in chemical product research and development. You can pay by credit card, T/T and Paypal. Trunnano ships goods by FedEx or DHL to overseas customers by air and sea.

Send us an enquiry if you’re looking for SiO2 powder of high quality.

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