Zinc Powder Formula

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Zinc is a moderately reactive metal and a strong reducing agent. Its surface tarnishes quickly and forms a protective passivating layer of basic zinc carbonate Zn5(OH)6CO3 by reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Zinc has a flexible coordination geometry which allows proteins using it to shift conformations to perform biological reactions. It is found in nearly 100 specific enzymes, serves as structural ions in transcription factors and is stored and transferred in metallothioneins.

In the human body, it is needed to make DNA and proteins, and supports immune function. It is also an essential part of the cellular process that produces collagen, which helps to support the development and maintenance of connective tissue throughout the body.

It is a critical ingredient of lubricants and chemicals for vehicles and other equipment, paints, coatings, cathodic protection and alkaline batteries. It has also been used to treat corrosion in metals and for enhancing the strength of materials.

Chemical Reactions

Zinc powder reacts with acids and strong alkalis, and also with water but more slowly to generate hydrogen gas which can be dangerous if it condenses and ignites. It can also be oxidized by chlorine, fluorine or bromine, sodium potassium or barium peroxide, chromium trioxide and fused ammonium nitrate.

Conditions to Avoid

Zinc powder can be explosive if it is dusted in the air or exposed to moisture. It can also be a source of ignition when contaminated with incompatible materials such as strong oxidizing agents or solvents, elemental sulfur, chlorinated hydrocarbons or chlorinated rubber.