Silica Aerogel Research and Application

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Aerogel can be described as a Nano-scale, porous and solid material made by the sol gel method. This method uses a particular drying process to replace the liquid in the gel with gas. Such as gelatin, gum Arabic, silica aerogel , hair, nails, etc. Also, aerogels have properties similar to gels. They have de-sizing, swelling and thixotropy. Aerogel is a type of solid material. It’s the least dense solid form in existence. Aerogel has a density 3kg per cubic meter. Common aerogels include silicon aerogel. You can find many kinds of aerogels including carbon, sulfur and metal oxide. Aerogel, a compound term, is where aero is an adjectival, meaning flying. Gel is clearly a gel. Literally it refers to a flying gel. An aerogel is any gel that has been prepared from any substance. However, it must be able to dry and be separated from the solvent. It should also be able keep its form unchanged.
Prepare silica aerogel
Aerogel was named originally by S. Kistler. Because of his success in preparing it silica aerogel He called aerogel supercritical dry method. With the advent and advancement of atmospheric drying technology in the late 1990s, aerogel became a widely accepted term. It is defined as any material that is obtained from the supercritical drying of wet gel. Aerogel has a three-dimensional, multi-branched Nano porous structure. This network structure is extremely porous, highly permeability, low porosity, very high specific surface, and high pore volumes. Its bulk density can be adjusted between 0.003 and 0.0005 g/cm-3. The density of air is 0.0229 g/cm-3.

A supercritical drying step is required to prepare aerogel. By controlling the reaction conditions of hydrolysis or polycondensation, nanoclusters form in the solution. These clusters stick to each other and create a gel. To prevent damage to the material structure due to the micropore surface tension during gel drying, supercritical drying is used. The gel is placed inside a pressure vessel. As the pressure increases, the temperature and pressure of the gel in the gel phase changes for the supercritical liquid. This allows for the formation of a disorderly, porous and low-density fluid with a Nanoscale continuous network structure. Material gel.

Use it as a thermal insulation.
Nano-network structure in silicon aerogel limits local thermal excitation. Its solid-state thermal conductivity, which is 2-3 orders higher than those of comparable glassy materials, has a slender Nano shape. Nano-pores prevent the addition of gas molecules to heat conductivity. The silicone aerogel’s refractive value is very close to 1 and its annihilation factor to visible and infrared light ratio is greater than 100. The silicone aerogel can transmit sunlight efficiently and block infrared radiation from the ambient temperature. This makes it an excellent transparent thermal insulation material. Solar energy usage and energy savings have been made possible by its use. The radiant heat conduction rate of silicon aerogel can also be reduced by doingping. Carbon-doped aerogel’s thermal conductivity can fall to as low as 0.01 w/ m K when it is subjected to room temperature pressure. It is also the material that has the lowest thermal conductivity. As a refrigerator insulation material, it is likely to be replaced by polyurethane. The incorporation of titanium dioxide could make silicon aerogel a high-temperature thermal insulation materials. It is just 0.03w/mK in thermal conductivity, making it an ideal material to develop into a military product.
It has a low sound velocity. silicon aerogel This material is ideal for high-temperature sound insulation or acoustic delays. This material is ideal as an acoustic resistance co-coupling material for ultrasonic detections, with a variable acoustic impedance range of 103 to 107 kg/m2 s. Zp, which is the common definition of acoustic resistivity, can be taken as an example. The acoustic resistivity Zp is 1. It improves the transmission of sound waves, and can reduce signal-to-noise ratios in device applications. The sound intensity can be increased by up to 30dB using silica Aerogel, which has a density of around 300kg/m3. Higher sound intensity gains can be achieved by using silica aerogels with density gradients.
For environmental protection, and in the chemical industry. As a novel type of gas filter, nano-structured airgels can be employed. This material is different than other materials because it has uniform porosity and pore sizes distribution. The material can be used as a gas filter. It is more dense than the average table, and can easily accumulate. Aerogels are also a great choice for new catalysts and catalyst carriers.

Lempotee is also known as. Lempotee (aka. This is The silicone aerogel The products produced by our company are high in purity and have fine particle sizes. Contact us for more information.

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